


If you are interested in getting involved in public engagement either as a researcher or as an organization, please reply below with your project interests, descriptions, and contact information. We hope that this space will be well used by both organizations and researchers to collaborate with one another on new public engagement projects.

For those in the North East, Kate Hudson of Engage North East is a fantastic contact and is a part of the Beacon network in the UK.

One thought on “Network

  1. dbphillips says:

    I am highly interested in this initiative. I represent the Postcolonial Research Group at ODU and can be reached at the following address:

    Delores B. Phillips
    Department of English
    BAL 5000
    Old Dominion University
    Norfolk, VA 23529

    The Postcolonial Research Group is interested in fostering interdisciplinary relationships across the humanities. It’s principal activity at present is granting a forum to allow researchers to share their work, but our long-range goal is to intervene in public discourse. It is our hope that supporting this group will allow us to collectively achieve that goal.

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